General Partner

Volkswagen Slovakia vyrobil na Slovensku od roku 1991 viac ako 5 miliónov vozidiel. Je pilierom slovenského exportu a zároveň aj najväčším súkromným zamestnávateľom v krajine. Prácu dáva 12 700 ľuďom. Priemerný hrubý mesačný plat bez manažmentu spoločnosti za rok 2016 je 1804 eur. Medzi mnohým sociálnymi benefi tmi je aj 13. a 14. plat. Volkswagen Slovakia je najväčším prispievateľom do verejných rozpočtov, len minulý rok odviedol na daniach a odvodoch viac ako 217 miliónov eur. Spoločnosť preinvestovala na Slovensku od svojho vzniku už viac ako 4,1 miliardy eur. Vyrába automobily Volkswagen Touareg, Audi Q7, Porsche Cayenne, Volkswagen up!, SEAT Mii a ŠKODA Citigo. Od roku 2013 sa v Bratislave vyrába aj Volkswagen e-up! – prvé čisto elektricky poháňané vozidlo koncernu Volkswagen. Okrem vozidiel produkuje prevodovky, komponenty pre prevodovky, podvozky a motory, ako aj zariadenia používané pri výrobe vozidiel. Viac ako 99 % produkcie smeruje na vývoz do 148 krajín sveta. Najväčšími exportnými trhmi sú krajiny Európskej únie, Čína, USA a Rusko. Okrem závodu v Bratislave má spoločnosť Volkswagen Slovakia ďalšie závody v Stupave, Martine a Košiciach. V Stupave sa produkujú nástroje potrebné pre automobilovú výrobu, v Martine komponenty pre prevodovky a v Košiciach sa pripravujú vozidlá na prepravu do Ruska. Predsedom predstavenstva spoločnosti Volkswagen Slovakia je Ralf Sacht, pôsobiaci na tejto pozícii od začiatku roka 2016. Členom predstavenstva pre finančnú oblasť je Jens Kellerbach a pre personálnu oblasť Eric Reuting.

Main Partner

Our range of services covers installation, automation, production maintenance and facility management as well as optimization solutions.

We have had experience in industrial services, primarily in the automotive industry, for more than 50 years. We combine the expertise, networking capacity and performance of a global player with the personal support of a regional partner with local insights. With a workforce of around 16,600 worldwide, we are represented at more than 200 locations on four continents, so we are always close to our customers – as an industry expert, service provider and astute partner that is always mindful of forthcoming technical developments.

As a result, our customers can continue to focus on their core business into the future, while we make sure that their processes run smoothly.






Main Partner

Ernst & Young

EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, law, transaction and advisory services and risk management. We aim to have a positive impact on businesses and markets, as well as on society as a whole. EY has been present in the Slovak professional service market since 1991. We now have 400 employees, who are based in Bratislava, Žilina and Košice.

Our 261,500 people are the foundation of our success. We assemble the right multi-disciplinary team for your business, drawing on our global network of professionals. Working with you in a collaborative style, we gain a clear understanding of your organization and strive to identify issues before they become problems. You get the people you need, wherever in the world you need them, backed up by leading practices, methodologies and tools.

At EY, we are also working on new technologies, such as blockchain, robotic process automation (RPA) and mobile solutions (applications using QR and RFID), which we would like to show you at our stand during the Newmatec conference.

Main Partner

Hyundai Motor Company

We exist to enhance people’s lives.
Because we believe that life’s most remarkable moments and experiences
Weren’t meant for a select few, but for all.


We think beyond product and technology to create meaningful experiences.
By challenging the standards of design and workmanship,
Leading a new era of customer care,
And rethinking the future of mobility.


Looking forward,
We believe in a world where mobility will enhance life
And will be defined by people, for people.
With our unyielding can-do spirit,
We will be steadfast in pursuit of this vision,
For we do not seek to satisfy the few,
But to be loved by many.



PSA Groupe

Skupina Groupe PSA patrí k najvýznamnejším globálnym producentom automobilov. Do koncernu patria populárne značky Peugeot, Citroën, DS, Opel a Vauxhal.

Zároveň je spoločnosť druhým najväčším výrobcom vozidiel v Európe s podielom 20,8 %.
Až 38% produkcie v roku 2012 smerovalo mimo Európu, kde si skupina stále posilňuje postavenie. Vo svete zamestnáva viac ako 200-tisíc ľudí, prevádzky spoločnosti sú v 160 krajinách sveta. V automobilovom závode v Trnave pracuje 4 500 pracovníkov.

Prioritami pre koncern sú spoločensky zodpovedné podnikanie, ochrana životného prostredia a bezpečnosť. Dôraz dáva na vývoj vozidiel s nízkou mierou emisií a minimalizovanie vplyvu na životné prostredie.

Okrem výroby automobilov má skupina aktivity aj vo finančníctve (Banque PSA Finance), v preprave a logistike (Gefco) a vo výrobe vnútorného vybavenia automobilov (Faurecia).


Kia Motors Slovakia

On March 18, 2004, Kia Motors Corporation – a maker of world-class quality vehicles for the young-at-heart- held a signing ceremony with the Slovak Government in Bratislava to officially authorize the construction of its first European automotive plant in Slovakia.

The decision made by Kia Motors Corporation to build its first-ever European facility was based on continued and projected strong sales and market share growth in Europe. The decision was also in alignment with Kia’s plan to be one of the world’s elite carmakers.

Kia Motors Slovakia in numbers

Time schedule of the plant’s construction

Groundbreaking – April 2004
Start of Construction – October 2004
End of Construction – December 2005
Start of Trial Production – Summer 2006
Start of Production – December 2006


around 3,800

Capacity and products

350,000 units a year
3 car models
7 types of engine

Plant Size

site: 166 ha
buildings: 56.8 ha

Investment amount

Euro 1.8 billion


KODYS SLOVENSKO® je popredným systémovým integrátorom v oblasti automatickej identifikácie a mobilných aplikácií.Už od roku 1995 staviame na inováciách, zákazníckom prístupe a komplexnosti dodávaných riešení.
Dlhodobé skúsenosti a prístup k najmodernejším technológiám zberu, prenosu a spracovania dát, spoločnosti umožňujú vytvárať komplexné aplikačné systémy pre široké spektrum zákazníkov z rôznych odvetví priemyslu, obchodu, služieb a všade tam, kde automatická identifikácia a mobilné spracovanie dát prinášajú zefektívnenie pracovných a technologických postupov, úsporu nákladov a okamžitý prístup k informáciám kedykoľvek a kdekoľvek.
U mnohých zákazníkov fungujú naše jedinečné riešenia vyvinuté „na mieru“ podľa ich špecifických potrieb a požiadaviek, ktoré priniesli efektívne inovácie do ich výrobných, technologických, skladových či distribučných procesov.
Tešíme sa na Vašu návštevu nášho stánku na konferencii NEWMATEC, kde Vám predstavíme naše riešenia a zodpovieme Vaše otázky.


Automotive manufacturing relies on a coordinated effort of manual and automated systems to deliver productivity, profitability, and traceability. Datalogic delivers vision detection and inspection systems that keep production
moving. Datalogic industrial bar code readers, laser marking solutions and handheld data capture products maintain supply chain visibility from raw materials through subassembly inventory, work in process, and finished goods.


Check out our application videos for automotive industry:



The name Process Automation Solutions stands for innovative, customized, future-proof automation solutions for the process and production sector. Our company provides flawless, interface-free all-in-one solutions that are designed to ensure smooth and reliable production flows. Customer focus and know-how, coupled with integral strategies and a solution-oriented mindset, constitute the key to the continued success of our customers and their automation projects. Process Automation Solutions has been an active part of the market since 1986, and has since become a leading independent supplier of automation solutions for the chemical, pharmaceutical and automotive industries. From planning to implementation and system start-ups: our status as a professional business partner with ample experience enables us to assist you with any issues related to automation – in fact, our services can even cover the entire life cycle of your plant if you so request. Our operations focus on the design of control and process control systems and their vertical integration into the overall business process. We are an independent ATS subsidiary and part of the division „Services“. By combining the flexibility of a medium-sized company with the capabilities of a large enterprise, we are able to easily meet the needs of both large projects and small automation tasks so you can rest assured knowing your project is in good hands.


Miell Quality since 2011 have been providing professional quality control services, quality assurance and engineering support for the automotive industry and automotive subcontractors. Further, our company provides services in the field of logistics, external storage of parts, materials and transportation. In 2016 we founded the Slovak section of MIELL Quality Slovakia, s. r. o.

Company development and growth, our attitude and client satisfaction all imply an excellent, loyal team, an experienced group of original employees, who are able to meet the requirements of this sector by recruiting new, young, ambitious and easily motivated members.

Our experienced colleagues, due to their experience in quality management solutions, are able to face the challenges made by the entire supply chain, so our company has become one of the market leader quality management providers in Hungary within a short time.

Knowing our way around the sector’s ever changing requirements, our company focuses on continuous development and learning, so that we are able to renew and expand our services upon demand, and in turn improve customer satisfaction.

Beside employing a highly qualified team, we assure compliance with high demands by having introduced our ISO 9001:2009 certified quality management system, which is under continuous development.


SOVA Digital už 27 rokov prináša na trh inovatívne riešenia, ktoré pomáhajú slovenským výrobným podnikom udržať si konkurencieschopnosť, zvyšovať produktivitu a rozvíjať sa v tempe zvyšujúcich sa nárokov trhu a globálnych technologických trendov. Klientom prináša komplexné riešenia digitalizácie a optimalizácie výrobných procesov v koncepte Industry 4.0. Dlhoročne potvrdzuje pozíciu vizionára a inovátora a ponúka klientom individuálny prístup a na mieru šité riešenia. V minulom roku získala prestížne ocenenie, udeľované odborníkmi a Ministerstvom hospodárstva, za svoje riešenie Digitálneho dvojčaťa Inovatívny čin roka. SOVA Digital je dodávateľom PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) riešení od Siemens PLM Software pre slovenský trh. Má za sebou tisícky úspešných projektov a stovky spokojných klientov.


Firma GQsystems úspešne pôsobí na slovenskom trhu od roku 2011. Našou hlavnou činnosťou je dodávať firmám v automobilovom priemysle vysokokvalifikovaných odborníkov.

GQsystems je spoločnosť, ktorá pod svojou značkou združuje profesionálov špecializovaných na Interim manažment a Externý inžiniering v automobilovom priemysle. Našim klientom títo odborníci poskytujú služby na pozíciách v top manažmente, krízovom manažmente a iných špecializovaných pozíciách v odvetviach ako je kvalita, výroba, logistika, technológia a ďalšie.

Spoločnosť GQsystems aktívne pôsobí v zavádzaní inovácií a aplikácií, ktoré pomáhajú ľahšie riadiť a implementovať najnovšie technológie a súčasne poskytovať služby s pridanou hodnotou. Klientami firmy GQsystems sú medzinárodné spoločnosti pôsobiace na Slovensku ale aj v zahraničí. Svoje služby firma poskytuje naprieč celou Európu.

Viac informácií o nás ako aj ponuku voľných inžinierov nájdete na našej webovej stránke WWW.GQSYSTEMS.EU


One car consists of approximately 8,000 average elements that should be reliable and compatible with each other in all conditions. Even the smallest mistake can cost the manufacturer very much.

Exact Systems Group has been operating since 2004 and is a leader in the quality control industry, i.e. selection, repair and sorting of parts, components in the automotive industry in Poland and one of the largest companies in Europe.

The main recipients of the company’s services are suppliers and sub-suppliers for the automotive industry and OEM. The company’s clients also include large-scale production plants in the electronics, household and cosmetics industries. Currently, the company has its representative offices in 12 countries:

Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia, Turkey, Romania, Russia, Great Britain, Hungary, Belgium, e Netherlands and China.

More information at:


Goodman is an integrated property group that owns, develops and manages logistics and business space across Continental Europe, the United Kingdom, the Asia-Pacific region, North America and Brazil. The Group invests in industrial estates and warehouse and distribution centres.

With total assets under management of €23.3 billion and 406 properties under management, Goodman is the largest industrial property group listed on the Australian Securities Exchange, and one of the largest listed specialist investment managers globally. Its market insight and dedicated local teams create sound investment opportunities and develop properties and environments that meet each client’s individual requirements.

With more than 1,100 staff in 16 countries and 32 offices, Goodman has the global reach to meet customers’ needs as their businesses expand and evolve. In Europe, Goodman is present in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Sweden and the UK.

For more information about our operations in Slovakia please visit:


The foundations of Kuruc Company were laid in 1989. Company is focused on producion recycling technologies and its operation. Production recycling technologies, which are focused on contributing to the healthier environment, are able to process different kind of materials such as soft PUR, beverage cartons, paper, etc… To be more specifics, Kuruc – Company spol. s r.o. was established to live according to the green idea that stands before each technology process. KURUC – COMPANY SPOL s r. o. is not just technology producer, is it a brand of recognized building materials. The main goal of our company is to become the leader in the field of processing compound packaging, i.e. car seats (soft PUR), packaging with a PAP/PE-base as well as packaging containing other plastic materials, both in Slovakia and in its neighbourhood.
